According to coinmarketcap, the total supply of LUNA is around 832M LUNA and less than half of them around 360M of the LUNA are in circulation at the moment. It holds the 9th rank according to market cap and has a market dominance of 1.43%.
At the time of writing LUNA is being traded at the price of $88.14 with a decrease of almost 5.38% in the last 24 hours. The maximum and minimum today are $93.67 and $86.66 respectively. The daily trading volume on the other hand has increased by almost 17%. LUNA had created its ATH in December 2021 and reached a price of almost $103.60. The price during the crash dropped down to a price of almost $3.91 in the month of July 2021. The price started to show reversal but like a lot of coins, and soon it created a new all-time high. Overall the price is making higher highs and higher lows. In January, we saw an increase of almost 3%.
Technical Analysis – TERRA
LUNA had been one of the strong coins, the price of the coin was continuously increasing even when the price of BTC was dropping down. It had decoupled from BTC and continued to rise up. Now it looks like that the coin has run off steam.
Luna has failed to create a new higher high and it looks like it will drop down. We can see that during these impulsive moves upwards, LUNA had left an imbalance in the price. As a result, we can expect a drop in the price of coins.
If we draw a Fibo we can see that the range between $75 and $80 aligns with the golden zone of the Fibo level from the top. This is also the zone where the imbalance is present. This is an additional confluence to the price movement.
Price Prediction – TERRA (LUNA)
LUNA is a good investment and is going to provide great returns. Wallet investor considers LUNA to be a good investment as well. According to them, in a year the price is expected to reach a value of $208.275. In five years the price is expected to reach a value of $679.124. Traders on the other hand are very bullish on the price and think that it wouldn’t be long before LUNA moves up to create a new ATH.