ROSE being ranked at number 91st according to coinmarketcap data is being traded at around $0.395 at the moment. The coin has a decrease of almost 2.97% within the last 24 hours. The high within this the price reached was $0.443 and the low was marked at $0.3659.
The coin has a trading volume of around $347,543,892 with a decrease of almost 26.41% in the last 24hours. The Circulating supply is now equal to 3.49B ROSE
ROSE reached its all-time high this month on 21st November 2021. The price reached a value of $0.466. This month has been highly bullish for the coin and we have seen an increase of about 115%. The top exchanges for trading in ROSE are currently Binance, Mandala Exchange, KuCoin,, and coin tiger.
Technical Analysis – Oasis Network (ROSE)
ROSE was consolidating for a lot of time and then created an impulsive move that broke the structure. The market created equal highs which was the signal for the price to drop. Soon after the price reached the second equal high from where ROSE printed a bearish candle which dropped the price.
This move resulted in the drop of the price to the daily order block which grabbed all the liquidity and the price moved upwards. It can be seen that the price goes through an AMD pattern but here the distribution occurred directly.
Now the price has started to consolidate on the daily time frame. The presence of imbalance, daily order blocks is a confluence for the price to drop. There are two possible points which should be taken into consideration. The daily order block which lies just below which may be a point for the market to reverse. The second point of reversal is the equilibrium zone before the upward movement. If it reverses from around $0.30 then a possible long can be taken, so lower time frame confirmations should be taken into consideration to take entries.
Price Prediction – Oasis Network (ROSE)
Oasis Network has very positive expectations from the price. According to the wallet investor, the price is expected to reach a value of $0.523 in a year. In 5 years, the price is expected to reach a level of $1.087. With the number of new partnerships, it can be expected that ROSE is going to be worth a lot more in the future.