
New All Time High (ATH) coins and Top Movers

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In the past 24 hours, the following coins have shown a lot of movement in their price.

Golem Network Token (GNT), is the currency that drives their marketplace and is used to pay for computations on the network. As a Requestor, you place a bid for how much GNT you are ready to pay to finish your assignment. You earn GNT as a Provider by completing tasks for Requestors. In your settings, you can specify your minimum and maximum pricing thresholds. GLM has gained 38.82% in the last 24 hours. The volume in the last 24 hours was around $152,620,351. The coin is being traded at $0.3841 at the time of writing.

Waves is a blockchain platform that may be used for a variety of purposes, including decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. Waves were founded with the goal of improving the speed, functionality, and user-friendliness of the original blockchain platforms. WAVES is Waves native coin, which has an unlimited supply and is utilized for routine payments like block rewards. WAVES has gained 12.19% in the last 24 hours. The volume in the last 24 hours was around $3,424,979,881. The coin is being traded at $9.80 at the time of writing.

Kusama (KSM) is a proof-of-concept blockchain network that intends to give engineers a hugely interoperable and versatile structure. Kusama depends on Parity Technologies’ Substrate, a blockchain improvement unit. Kusama shares practically its code with Polkadot, one of the most well-known interoperable blockchains. KSM has lost 12.30% in the last 24 hours. The volume in the last 24 hours was around $175,676,352. The coin is being traded at $72.90 at the time of writing.

Arweave (AR) is a decentralized storage network that aims to provide a platform for storing data indefinitely. The network primarily hosts “the permaweb,” a permanent, decentralized web with a number of community-driven applications and platforms, which it describes as “a collectively owned hard drive that never forgets.” AR has lost 11.85% in the last 24 hours. The volume in the last 24 hours was around $37,754,846. The coin is being traded at $13.04 at the time of writing.

Compound (COMP) is a decentralized lending protocol that allows users to earn interest on their cryptocurrencies by depositing them in one of the platform’s pools. COMP has lost 11.65% in the last 24 hours. The volume in the last 24 hours was around $$119,034,002. The coin is being traded at $57.99 at the time of writing

All-Time High Coins (ATH)

CyberDragon Gold is a Play to Earn Metaverse game on the Binance Smart Chain called CyberDragon. It currently is being traded at $ 0.0125. Its all-time stands at $ 0.0128.

Defigram is a new social platform that brings together decentralized wallets with Telegram messaging. DFG currently is being traded at $ 0.999. Its all-time stands at $ 1.00

Beyond Protocol is a decentralized security layer for the Internet of Things that is built on top of a blockchain. BP currently is being traded at $ 0.0497. Its all-time stands at $ 0.0776.

Smart Music is a cryptocurrency designed for all types of art fans and investors. It currently is being traded at $ 0.0397. Its all-time stands at $ 0.0433.

With the introduction of web3, SpaceFi is a multi-chain token built on Ethereum that will power the next generation of social media crypto activities. SPF currently is being traded at $ 0.0000151. Its all-time stands at $ 0.0000183.

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