
Is This Why The Voyageur (VYYRF) Stock Skyrocketed Last Trading?


In the last trading session, Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd (OTCPk: VYYRF) closed at $0.1038, an increase of 223.36%. Voyageur stock started the day at $0.1038 against a previous market close of $0.0321. VYYRF stock rose following the news that a 5th license had been issued.

The license was for what?

VM is the trading symbol for Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a publicly traded company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. Voyageur focuses on manufacturing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) from barite and iodine. In the near-term, VYYRF  is developing pharmaceutical products that are radio-contrast to barium and iodine.

In order to grow and create cash flow as quickly as possible, Voyageur plans on using third-party manufacturers of GMP pharmaceutical products in Canada and internationally. In the end, VYYRF intends to build all the necessary infrastructure for manufacturing to be 100% self-sufficient.

A fifth product from Voyageur has recently received approval from Health Canada (HC). VYYRF obtained the license for its MultiXthick barium sulfate suspension, which can be administered by oral and rectal routes through the gastrointestinal tract and contains 105% w/v insoluble barium sulfate suspension.

The barium radiographic contrast media products developed by VYYRF are available globally. In total, the following VYYRF products have been licensed:

  1. SmoothX – For CT market
  2. HDX – For Flouroscopy market
  • LDX – For Fluoroscopy market
  1. MultiXthin – For Flouroscopy market
  2. MultiXthick- For Flouroscopy market


For its initial product launch, VYYRF is launching SmoothX. To ensure that its newly-formulated products meet GMP and HC guidelines, Voyageur is currently optimizing the blending formulations and manufacturing procedures.

Where does VYYRF stand?

Applications are being submitted to the FDA, and VYYRF’s goal is to obtain a device license from the FDA to coincide with the release of new products. Voyageur (VYYRF) has begun collaborating with Dash Consulting on new, improved CT, MRI and fluoroscopical products.

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