According to coinmarketcap, the total supply of ONE is around 13.2B ONE and around 11.46BM of the ONE are in circulation at the moment. It holds the 65th rank according to market cap and has a market dominance of about 0.09%.
At the time of writing ONE is being traded at the price of $0.1784 with an increase of almost 1.88% in the last 24 hours. The maximum and minimum today are $0.1936 and $0.173 respectively. The daily trading volume has also increased by almost 100.31%. ONE had created its ATH in October 2021 and reached a price of almost $0.38. The price later dropped down to a price of almost $0.35 on the 4th of December in 2020. Overall the last two months have been bearish for the price. In November, we saw a decrease of almost 17.17%. This month, we have seen a decrease of almost 30%.
Technical Analysis – Harmony (ONE)
Harmony (ONE) when shifted the structure towards the upside left an order block in creation. This order block was created after the last lower high was invalidated and the price broke upwards. The price went and created the top from where it failed to create another high which showed the reversal in structure.
The price fell down and mitigated the untouched order block. During this ONE created a new order block that is above the current price level. Now there can be two possible movements for the price.
One is that the price can move upwards and touch the order block. From this level, a reaction can be expected that can drive the price to either side (bullish or back to the same range). We need to look for the lower time frame confirmations in order to know the possible movement of the price.
If ONE becomes stable above, we can expect a long on the retest of the order block. If the price fails to hold, it would result in the drop of the price again to the 1D order block at the bottom.
Price Prediction – Harmony (ONE)
According to the traders, ONE is a good investment and is providing a great return. Wallet investor considers ONE to be a really good investment as well. According to them, in a year the price is expected to reach a value of $0.4067. In five years the price is expected to reach a value of $1.311.