EHang Holdings Ltd. (EH) stock prices were up by 6.53%, bringing the price up to USD$25.45 at the end of the trading day on August 24th, 2021. Subsequent premarket fluctuations saw the stock dip by 8.92%, bringing it down to USD$23.18.
EH Stock’s Approval by CAAC
January 2021 saw the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) officially accept EHang’s Type Certification application for the EHang 216 AAV. Since April 2021, the CAAC’s designated type certification expert team has carried out various rounds of review meetings and inspections. Critical consensus has been reached that the type certification of EHang 216 AAV is an important project in China and needs to be prioritized.
EHang Holdings Ltd. (EH) stock
May 2021 saw the company release the new VT-30 model of electric dual-seat passenger-grade AAV in EHang’s product suite. It is designed for inter-city air transportation and complementary to the EHang 216 designed for intra-city air mobility. The VT-30 has a hybrid structure of eVTOL and fixed wings and is designed to travel a distance of up to 300 km with a designed flight time of up to 100 minutes.
EHang 216 AAV series
EH stock is the first mover and industry leader that has demonstrated strong capabilities of autonomous flying. The company collaborated with local partners to continue trial and demo flights with the EHang 216 AAV series at multiple public events showcasing its practical uses. Exemplifying these uses was the maiden flight in Japan that was successfully completed with the local partner in June 2021. This was founded in the granting of Japan’s first outdoor open airspace trial flight permission to passenger grade AAV.
Ehang 216’s Debut
April 2021 2021 saw EHang 216 make a name for itself in its debut at the Chinese Super League in Guangzhou. it did this by flying into the opening ceremony carrying a representative holding the championship trophy. June 2021 saw the company participate in the anti-Covid-19 campaign in Guangzhou by transporting emergency supplies to quarantine areas using the EHang 216 and the EHang 216 AAVs.
Future Outlook for EH Stock
The company reported a strong financial quarter, rife with several developments that afford EH stock an expanded scope of opportunities. The company is keen to leveehang-holdings-ltd-eh-stock-suffers-following-disclosure-of-financial-reports-for-q2-2021rage the resources at its disposal to facilitate organic growth over the long term. Current and potential investors are hopeful that management will be able to facilitate consistent increases in shareholder value.