Without significant reservations, the vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech was approved for review by the FDA. All the basic parameters of the vaccine have been verified by the Commission that approved the application, including that it is 95 percent successful. Furthermore other significant aspects of the research were revealed. That the vaccine triggers defense at the first injection, however a course of two injections is necessary to get immunity. After the first treatment, it is 52 percent successful (with the minimum FDA requirements of 50 percent).
Cases of severe side effects, such as paralysis of the facial nerve and swelling of the lymph node, occur, but within the normal vaccine initiation figures. There were also cases of COVID-19 after vaccination, but all of them fall within a period of up to two weeks after the injection, that is, before the immunity acquired was established. Neither the vaccine nor COVID-19 were associated with patient deaths (6 episodes in total). Both of them occurred in chronic disease subjects.
During the analysis of the certification application, all such data will be checked again. In the coming weeks, a decision could be taken, but the market is betting it will be unambiguously positive. Pfizer and BioNTech shares have risen in recent sessions. Starting on Monday, the former rose by 3.74 percent in total while the later stock gained 2.34 percent. The rise comes in the midst of a report by a number of investment firms of target prices for these stocks.
In our view, shares of both vaccine developers have now reached their equal amount. Pfizer has the potential to fall by at least 5 percent in the medium term and up to 15 percent with a likely correction in the indexes. At a drop to $40, and at a rapid breakout of this level-from $37 each, we suggest entering the company’s shares. BioNTech has a more substantial speculative overhang, with its shares being able to change by 20% even with a neutral external backdrop in the coming months.
In Wednesday session, Pfizer stock dropped by -1.67% while that of BioNTech was down -4.14%.