The market capitalization of Roscan Gold Corp. (OTCPINK: RCGCF) rose 1.66% to $126.09M after closing at $0.3913 in the previous session. Roscan stock traded 242.07K shares recently, a decrease from its average daily volume of 322.66K. RCGCF stock increased when there were no current developments, so recent events may provide additional insight into RCGCF.
Have there been any recent developments at RCGCF?
A Canadian gold exploration company, Roscan focuses on the acquisition and exploration of gold properties throughout West Africa. As a result, RCGCF holds significant holders of large land holdings, all 100%-owned, in areas with producing mines and major gold deposits, both north and south of the Kandiole project.
Roscan recently announced that it has entered into an arm’s length option agreement (the “Option Agreement”) with Harmattan Consulting SARL dated April 7, 2021.
Upon agreement, RCGCF was granted the option to acquire 100% interest in one (1) gold and group mineral substances exploration and research permit. Those were for the subdivision of the Kayes Region of the Republic of Mali called “Bantanko Est, Cercle de Kenieba.”
Acquisition’s status:
Roscan (RCGCF) confirmed at that time that the initial cash payment is complete and that the first common shares have been issued. There will be a four-month hold period applicable to all securities issued by RCGCF under the Option Agreement.