As of the previous close, BRAVADA International Ltd (OTCPK: BRAV) jumped up 44.23 percent to $0.0075. In contrast to its monthly average volume of 2.92M, BRAVADA stock traded 12.64M shares in volume on the day. After BRAV stock rose in absence of current news, we can then refer to the recent developments in order to get a better understanding of the stock.
How did things go recently?
BRAVADA International operates in the media and internet sector. Through its proprietary methodology of creating, developing, and operating retail and wholesale websites, BRAV owns and curates online properties. In addition to consumer-level products and services, BRAV offers B2B services.
A reverse split of BRAVADA is not expected to be considered until 2022, unless a material event affects the board’s decision, announced the company on Friday.
- A reverse split of 50 for 1 was announced by BRAV on March 12.
- There was, however, a problem dating back to 2001 when the BRAV was operating under previous management as Teltran.
- Teltran’s management did not file required paperwork for years 2001 through 2007, which did not represent a concern at the time.
- As early as late 2008, Danny Alex, founder, and CEO of BRAVADA International Ltd., acquired Teltran and changed its name to BRAVADA International Ltd.
The focus of BRAV is on what?
CEO Danny Alex, who is working at an uncompromised pace to complete the projects scheduled for this fiscal year, has an aggressive business plan for expanding BRAVADA (BRAV)’s operations in 2021. BRAV decided to focus on its business plan in 2022 and revisit corporate actions at that point and spend the time necessary to rectify the problem at that time.