From within the penny stocks realm, Statera Biopharma, Inc. (NASDAQ: STAB) has had remarkable performance late yesterday. The stock which has been increasingly gaining attention saw significant climbs of up to 36.99% later into the after-hours of trade. A sharp spike in share price had followed after a steady incline of 6.85% immediately upon the closure of trading. These shifts in STAB stock price come about after four months of a persistent downward slide.
STAB’s Submission of Phase 1 Trials to FDA
The developments come after the leading biopharmaceutical company announced the submission of phase 1 clinical trials of the STAT-205 development. The submission acts as a major milestone in the lifecycle of treatment development, pushing the outcome closer to actualization. Long-term post-Covid conditions, such as inflammation, would be adequately addressed, given the design specifics of the drug. Pathogenicity would adequately be addressed as a result of the Statera Biopharma treatment, through balancing immune system function, and by employing immunomodulators.
As the world edges on closer towards a post-Covid reality, treatments such as Statera Biopharma’s STAT-205 become ever more crucial. The nature of such products in the pharmaceutical industry ensures a smooth transition in the medical world. Given the potential value addition, such a product would offer, it is clear why the market is betting on its success.
Phase 3 Approval of STAB drug by FDA
Confidence in Statera Biopharma sees further reinforcement, given earlier developments the company had announced. Last month, investors welcomed news of the company’s STAT-201 gaining approval by the FDA-mandated, Central Institutional Review Board. The phase 3 trial drug, which is a next-gen treatment for Crohn’s disease, acts as an immune-modulator. A track record such as this further strengthens Statera Biopharma’s credentials, instilling confidence amongst market participants of the company’s initiatives.
This string of positive announcements comes when a general downward market trend for STAB sees a much-needed reversal. This is not the first time the STAB stock trajectory has seen potentially monumental gains in a broader bearish trajectory. The stock has lost near 67% of its value from a year ago, followed by an 83% spike. This indicates the nature of biopharmaceutical stock, which is critically dependent upon positive updates regarding prospects.
The STAB stock is currently experiencing a significant climb in the after-hours, following significant milestone updates regarding its initiatives. With investors seeing optimism regarding the potential launch of crucial treatments, there has been an emphasis on the credentials of Statera Biopharma.