According to coinmarketcap, the total supply of MATIC is around 10B MATIC and around 7.09B of the MATIC are in circulation at the moment. It holds the 14th rank according to market cap and has a market dominance of 0.80%.
At the time of writing MATIC is being traded at the price of $2.60 with an increase of almost 12.57% in the last 24 hours. The maximum and minimum today are $2.61 and $2.28 respectively. The daily trading volume has increased by almost 45.52%. MATIC had created its ATH in May 2021 and reached a price of almost $2.70. The price during the crash dropped down to a price of almost $0621 in the month of July 2021. Overall the price is moving for higher highs. In November, we saw a decrease of almost 8%. This month, we have seen an increase of almost 43%.
Technical Analysis – Polygon
MATIC has been one of the most bullish coins, it can be seen that the price of the coin is near its all-time high value. The coin has been printing higher lows and higher highs for a long time. We can see that the price has been grabbing liquidity below. It continued to go upwards and touched the last higher high (as can be seen on the chart).
Now what we can expect from the chart of MATIC is that it can go upwards and touch the all-time value. From there it can have some reaction from the value. If it becomes stable we can look for a higher high.
More importantly, a point of interest is the fact that these last two candles have created inefficiency in the price. The second thing is the creation of an order block. We can expect that it would go upwards, create a new all-time high, and come back down to fill the gap.
Price Prediction – Polygon (MATIC)
MATIC is a good investment and is going to provide great returns. Wallet investor considers MATIC to be a really good investment as well. According to them, in a year the price is expected to reach a value of $4.056. In five years the price is expected to reach a value of $11.627. Traders on the other hand are very bullish on the price and think that it wouldn’t be long before MATIC moves up to create a new ATH.